Automatic creation for ceiling from rooms

Automatic creation for ceiling from rooms

R, M, Bezplatná 30denní zkušební verze
Operační systém:


This tool will use existing rooms to automatically add a ceiling in Autodesk® Revit®.

It will save the user a lot of time normally used in creating a ceiling.


NOTE: The tool will work for 30-days until activation.
Activation steps:
1. User has to send us the license code which is shown in the app license dialog box when the app is launched and with the payment receipt to the email ""
2. We will send the activation code to the user's email within 24 hours.
3. Click on "activate" in the license dialog box, enter the code received and hit OK to activate the app.

Informace o této verzi

Verze 1.0.0, 24.05.2024
First Version

Snímky obrazovky a videa

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